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 Action Involved

 Violations of Statutory Law

 Violation of Human Rights:
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

 Other Violations

1. Non-action by the police to stop physical assault and sexual abuse of a small child.

* Crimes Act

* Articles 24 and 26

* Violation of basic democratic principles

 2. Denial by Government agencies to investigate the physical assault and sexual abuse of a small child.

* Crimes Act

* Articles 24 and 26

* Violation of basic democratic principles

 3. Discrimination on racial grounds by Government agencies resulting in inhuman and degrading treatment of a parent concerned about the protection of a small child.


* Articles 2 and 7

* Violation of basic democratic principles

 4. Unlawful attacks on the honour and reputation of a parent while protecting a small child.


* Article 17

* Violation of basic democratic principles

 5. The right to an effective remedy has been denied by the Australian Government despite evidence of racial discrimination, inhuman and degrading treatment, failure to protect a child and gross-violations of Australian Law and International Human Rights.

* Crimes Act

* Articles 2 ,7,14,17,24,26

Convention on the Rights of the Child

* Violation of basic democratic principles

Covenant on Civil and Political Rights:
Article 2: The Government is responsible to ensure that any person whose rights have been violated shall have an effective remedy - regardless of race and without distinction of any kind.
Article 7: No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
Article 14: : In a suit at law everyone shall be entitled to a fair and public hearing by a competent, independent and impartial tribunal established by law.
Article 17:Protection from unlawful attacks on his honour and reputation.
Article 24: Protection as required by his status as a minor.
Article 26: All persons are equal and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law.

Convention on the Rights of the Child: 
Article 2:  Right of a child for protection by the law without discrimination of any kind.

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(C) One Voice One People. Last updated: Feb 2001